Modern Command Help

These commands are available in IC (in-character) areas only.

These are the commands you might use as you are playing. Many of these commands are used to make changes to your nation, communicate with other players, set and change priorities, and initiate different political, economic or military actions.

Game commands

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Command Description
+roll+roll allows you to roll against an attribute, skill, merit or flaw to determine a success or failure. Occasionally your role may be adjusted to accomodate situational variables. It is generally considered wise to make sure an admin is around when you are making a roll. You can roll against skills, merits and flaws you don't have, but the chance for success is quite low. Please keep in mind situational variables can lower (or raise) your chance to succeed at a roll. See Also: +help +sheet
+info+info is the closest thing we have to a score here on Modern Command. +info gives you, at a glimpse, all major indicators for a specific nation. Each of these indicators change each turn, based on choices certain leaders make.
+airport+airport lists all the airports, their nation, and their status. This command is only available in IC (in-character) areas.
+scandal+scandals are only available in the IC (in-character) world. Please PLEASE read +rules +scandals before you assign yourself a scandal. [1;37;41mYou can't undo a scandal. Once you have a scandal, you OWN it.[0m. Scandals range in severity from minimal to potentially career-destroying. Keep in mind, scandals are here to have some fun with, however, you might want to really think before you choose to accept one. Scandals are public knowledge. If you have an idea for a scandal, please feel free to @mail Boris.
+range+range outputs range data between 2 nations. This data is primarily for calculating movement costs and ranges for missiles and fun stuff like that. Please note, currently range is calculated on a 2-dimensional surface...I'm working on spherical trig and Great Circle math, but I get a headache when I think about it, and Jeroen wants me to code more.
+tradeTrade pacts are agreements between two nations to trade. The longer you have a relationship with a a nation, the more you will benefit from it. Tarrifs are essentially taxes - you can use tarrifs to encourage or discourage trade. You can set tarrifs from 0 to 1000 (yes, one thousand) percent.
+agreeInternational agreements generally make the world a better place. Most focus on saving seals, not killing each other, reducing pollution, or something like that. Some agreements have no discernable impact on your nation, while others can have very positive impact on your nation. Other agreements have extraordinarily powerful impacts on your nation, but only if a certain number of nations agree to it. A few things to keep in mind: 1) You can only join an international agreement once every few turns 2) When you first join an agreement, you may notice [4mnegative[0m trends in your nation production as you re-tool your industries, however, you will hopefully see positive trends after a while. 3) Withdrawing from an agreement is a serious decision. Think about it before you do it, you can lose some hard-won gains. Please understand the difference between agreements and treaties. Agreements are international - between many different nations, whilst treaties are usually between two nations.
+priSetting priorities is an integral and important part of running your nation. While you will need to respond to a myriad of crisis and emergencies, it is your priorities which will have a lasting impact on your nation. Here's the way it works: you set a priority on a level from 1 to 100 (0 erases a priority). A low number indicates a very low priority, and a high number indicates a very high priority. This is only one part of the priority process, though. Over time, your priority will gain in it's efficacy. If you set a priority for 2 weeks, it won't do much, will it? But if you set a priority for 2 years, it's a much different story, yes? There are many different factors involved with efficacy. If your nation is at war, being subverted, or suffering major environmental or economic calamity, your priorities will not be as effective. But if your nation is at peace, and enjoying economic vibrancy, your priorities will really thrive. Set your priorities, and watch them make your nation a better place; over time....
+researchResearch is your nations scientific priorities. Your research level indicates how aggressively your nation is researching a specific topic. You decide exactly how big of a priority a specific research item is, and then over time, your research efforts will bear fruit (hopefully). Here's the way it works: You set a research item from 1 to 100. Lower numbers indicate low interest and motivation, while higher numbers indicate higher interest and motivation (in the United States, during the late 1950's, President Kennedy set the space program to a 90). The longer you research something, the more you know about it, yes? So for example: Let's say you wanted to be the world leader in fuel cell technology. You would type [1;33m+research 40=90[0m. After a few turns, you would see your technology in fuel cells start to quickly rise. You might see some of your priorities rise more quickly, as more members of your nation are using fuel cells, thus saving money on gasoline. Research effects your economic and military condition, and should be a major part of your attention.
+buildOne of the most important tasks you will work on is building. This can include physical structures, such as railways, airplanes, and troops, but also non-tangible things such as troop training, and government reform. As you may expect, buildings cost a certain number of points. If you don't have have enough points you can wait a few more turns. You can earn more points per turn by devoting resources to priorities, research and infrastructure which will strengthen your industrial and economic health and capacity. Building takes time. Once you initiate a building process, it will take a certain number of turns. There is some random (a little) variance for uncontrollable circumstances which might speed up (but usually slow down) the building process. There is also an idea of building quality. When you make something, you will produce it at a certain level - a third world nation will not make the same sort of destroyer as a first world nation. This is reflected in building quality. Obviously, lower quality buildings have a smaller impact on your nation than higher-quality buildings. Quite an incentive to sharpen your economic and technical health, yes?
+travelGetting around in Modern Command is pretty snappy...simply +travel to your airport of choice! You can type +airports to see a list of airports, and then +travel to travel (if only it was this easy in real life).
+deployThe deployment system is designed to deploy your military forces around the globe. Please note, there is a clear distinction between invading and deploying. In order to deploy a military unit to another nation, that specific military unit must be invited to deploy. This does not apply to naval units, who can go wherever they want (usually) You cannot deploy a unit which is pending or engaged in battle. Please pay special attention to the custancec/ of your units. If they are attacked, stance matters.
+treatyTreaties are specific agreements for specific things between two nations. If you want to join some big alliance or something, take a gander at +agree. Mostly, treaties allow for ceasing hostilities, allowing forces to be deployed into your nation, or creating an alliance. We'll probably add more later. Here's the treaty process: 1) Nation A proposes a treaty to Nation B 2) Nation B see's the proposed treaty in their chy+treaty/pendingc/ list. 3) Nation B makes a choice: accept or reject the treaty. 4) If Nation B accepts the treaty, it is formally signed between the two nations. 5) If Nation B rejects the treaty, it is simply rejected. 6) If at any time, Nation A or Nation B want to end the treaty, they simply chy+nation/cancel c/. Pending treaties are confidential. Signed treaties are public.
+launchThis command launches missiles. A few notes: 1) Launching missiles is generally regarded as an act of war 2) You cannot hide a missile launch 3) You cannot abort a missile launch 4) Low-tech missiles are generally innacurate 5) Missiles are not always effective 6) Missiles carry conventional warheads Missiles cause a lot of damage to specific targets, but not a lot of damage to many targets. If a missile hits a structure, building, or military unit it generally destroys it.
+loadThis command allows you to load and unload units. A few notes: You can only load units onto transports. You can only load units which are near each other. You can only load units in active status (you can't load units which are being built) Transports can only hold a certain number of units, and the size of the transport and unit being transported are taken into account. Once a unit is loaded, it can't be moved unit it's unloaded.
@channelThe @channel system is used for opening up channels of communication with other nations. There are a few important things to know: 1) You can only create, at one time, 15 channels. 2) You must specifically invite other nations to your channel 3) You can have many different channels 4) Each channel must have a unique name 5) Channels are private. Other players cannot see the communication on a channel When you create a channel, you have a venue for privately communicating with another nation. Once you create a channel, you use it by simply typing chy+ c/ For example, if you created a channel named pact1, you would type: +pact1 I'd like to discuss strengthening trade ties with you. See also: +help talking
talkingThere are 2 main spheres of communication: OOC (out of character) and IC (In-character). We like to imagine a wall between IC communications and OOC communications; that is, one should not inform or influence the other. For OOC communication you can use: 1) page (see chyhelp pagec/ 2) use channels: chy+pub c/ or chy+new c/. 3) in an OOC area, you can type chysay c/ 4) chy+bbreadc/ - we have many boards, most are OOC For IC communications, you can use: 1) IC channels - chy@channel/listc/ 2) chysay c/ in an IC area 3) chy+bbreadc/ to an IC board 4) If you have to speak OOC in an IC area, you can type chy+ooc c/ Related to speaking is posing - an important part of roleplay. For example, instead of seeing this: Boris says "I like this idea" We might see, with a well-crafted pose, this: Boris glances out the windows and thinks for a moment..."this could be a good idea", he says. To pose: you can simply type chy@emit c/ you can also use chy:c/