Modern Command Help

This the central repository for help on Modern Command.

Game commands

Execute your decisions with precision, become a master of in-game actions.

Character Generation

Design compelling leaders with unique strengths, craft leaders with the skills to tackle any challenge..


Transform your nation into an economic superpower, fuel your military and political goals with a booming economy.


Raise and deploy forces capable of decisive victories, develop a formidable fighting force.


Master diplomacy and secure your place on the world stage, build alliances, scheme against rivals, and seize power.


Discover the rich lore and mechanics behind Modern Command.

Attribute matrix
An attribute is a quality, characteristic, or feature associated with a person or thing. In Modern Command, attributes are used to define the physical, mental, and social characteristics of a character.
0 - 5 No gross control or even awareness of the attribute
10 - 20 Below Average. Mastery of gross control, and some fine control; often ackward and unpredictable
20 - 30 Average. Normal range in cultural and social context.
40 - 50 Above average, with obvious differences from average peers.
60 - 70 Exceptional. Career and life are shaped around the attribute.
80 - 100 World-class. Recognized as one of the world's leaders.

Skill matrix
A skill is the ability to carry out a task with determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. In Modern Command, skills are used to define the professional, technical, and social abilities of a character.
0 - 5 Bare minimal understanding, no competence in the skill.
10 - 20 Indicates familiarity and slightly below average competence. 1 - 2 months of semi-steady use.
20 - 30 Average competence, usually associated with at least 5 years of steady use and practice.
40 - 50 Above average. Considered to be leader in the skill. Teaches others, 9+ years of steady use and practice.
60 - 70 Exceptional. Has made solid contributions to field, and uses skill everyday in professional life.
80 - 100 Acknowledged master. One of the world leaders in the skill.

Merit/Flaw matrix
Merits and flaws are used to define the personality, social, and physical positive and negative characteristics of a character.
0 - 5 The merit or flaw is barely noticable, and has little to no impact.
10 - 20 The merit or flaw is clearly noticable, and has a moderate impact.
20 - 30 The merit or flaw is pronounced, and plays a very significant role in the life of the player.
40 - 50 The merit or flaw defines the life of the player.
60 - 100 Books have been written about the merit or flaw the player has. Utterly encompassing.

Religious matrix
Religious proclivities are used to define the religious beliefs and practices of a character. These are normally rather private, but there is no arguing religious identity of a leader matters.
0 - 5 No formal commitment to any religious organization. No identification with any religion.
10 - 20 Probably initiated into the religion as a child, non-practicing. Not well-versed in teachings or doctrine.
20 - 30 Regularly attends religious events and observes doctrinal holidays. Self-identifies as a member of the religion
40 - 50 Has an active life in the religion. Goes to extra teachings, and makes outreach efforts.
60 - 70 A leader in their religion. Has committed life as an adherent to the religion.
80 - 100 Complete identification with the religion. Totally immersed in the religion.

Average non-player characters have attributes, merits, flaws and religious procilivities in the 30 range. Anything over 45 needs a good explanation. Anything over a 60 needs an exceptional explanation. Anything over 80 needs approval from the administrator team.