Modern Command

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Help Wanted Philosophy

Modern Command is almost 100% original softcode and PHP.

As I (Boris) am primarily responsible for maintaining Modern Command, I am looking for people to help me understand why something isn't working, or how something can work better. Think "teach a man to fish and he eats for life" philosophy.

I am not looking for someone to come in and simply fix everything which might not be working. I'm looking for someone to help me understand what isn't right, and offering some suggestions for doing it better.

Job Duration

These jobs last no more than about 3 weeks. As Modern Command is in early alpha, there are currently no long-term positions open.


These positions are volunteer, with no payment. If I had some extra money, I'd give it to you, but for now, I can only offer my deepest and most sincere thanks, and maybe a book every once in a while.

You will be contributing to the MUSH-o-sphere. You'll be helping to design a text-based multiplayer game which is in a unique niche, poised to offer some real fun and a challenging environment to casual text-based players.

Modern Command will always be free to play and enjoy. It will never cost anything to play, nor will it ever cost anything to get "extras" in the game. You will be credited, and I will be happy to write an eloquent and persuasive letter-o-recommendation for future employers.

Current Openings

PHP security auditor (white hat hacker)

We are looking for a white hack hacker to review and offer specific suggestions to harden reasonably simple PHP scripts. Basic input protection/filtering is a priority. Also looking to protect against SQL injection attacks. Session security is of secondary importance.

The current PHP code is extraordinarily well-documented, and as noted above, quite simple.

Considering the highly probable chance severe security issues will be found, a couple of good references will be required. Please connect to Modern Command and @mail boris.

Must be able to work independently, successfully prioritize tasks, and be an exceptional communicator. Um, it might be kind of good if you know a little PHP, too.

Softcode optimization review

We are looking for someone who, when given a specific softcode system, will offer concrete ideas and suggestions to optimize the system. Optimization includes speed, security, and succinctness of the code. You will start with two very simple systems, and move on to two more elaborate and complicated softcoded systems. Interested parties should @mail Boris on

Web Designer

As if you can't tell, website design isn't a strong point. I'm not having trouble with the code behind the website, but the CSS and overall design is terrible.

Looking for an engaging, professional-looking template. Open to flash-based designs as long as they as customizable. A quick glance through the current site should give the prospective designer an idea of what needs to be on the site. Login to Modern Command and @mail boris.

Flash Ninja

Looking for help with Flash. I don't want to learn the whole shebang (I've created some banner ads, and a small splash screen, but nothing else :-) I don't have time to learn flash well enough to do something which looks good.

Looking for:
  • 2 splash screens with sounds and graphics. A real eye-catching hook-type thing.
  • 5 or 6 banner ad's for Modern Command
  • 5 or 6 banner ad's for text-based gaming
  • Flash-based map, which allows users to zoom into different parts, and loads/displays mysql data on each country when clicked

Modern Command is copyright (c) Bill MacKenty, 2004 to 2015. Wow 11 years, not bad, huh? Licensed under the Creative Commons license.